Customization to Meet Students' Individualized Needs


Customization in SchoolsPLP to Meet 

Students’ Individualized Needs

SchoolsPLP (Personalized Learning Platform) allows educators to meet student’s individualized learning needs with special user set-up options, group and individualized setting choices, and access to educational content such as lessons and videos from a variety of publishers and open source education providers. Teachers can easily customize SchoolsPLP curriculum or add personalized content to meet each student’s intervention and enrichment needs.

Special User Set-Up Options: Ignoring Time Limits and Multiple-Choice Options

When adding a new student account, the box below the password field can be checked to inform the SchoolsPLP program to ignore set time limits on any assessment the student takes.

Choose your school and on the right hand-side click the School setup link.

Select the either the Students Tab or the Students option box.

Select the Add a New Student Button.

1) Check the Ignore exam time limits for this student.

2) The drop-down menu setting modifies the number of answer choice options for any multiple-choice questions the student encounters.

3) Click Save when finished.

How to Create Groups

Navigate to the course editor and select the wrench icon.

Select Manage Groupings.


If you do not need the system to auto-generate groups, click CANCEL.

Type the name of the overall group category. Uncheck the box next to “Each person in only one group.”

To change the name of your groups:

1) Go to the upper right hand-side, select the pencil icon

2) The pop-up box will appear for you to enter the names of your groups. 

3) Click Ok when finished.

Click the Save link when finished.

Group Settings

The GROUP SETTINGS allows you to easily edit visibility settings for students in groups and hide lessons to fit each student’s needs.

Assignment/Activity Choices: Settings Customization

Settings can be modified to fit students’ individualized needs. Once students are added to a group, they can easily be selected when making settings changes such as passing score in the example below. This customization can be done for a single student or a group of any size.

When editing an activity/assignment, double click on the assignment or click the pencil icon.  

Select the Settings link and choose the group at the top-right (two-people icon) to change a setting just for the student(s) in that group.

When finished with the settings, select the Save link.

Bulk Editing Group Settings

1) Click ACTIVITY LIST to easily bulk edit settings for a student or students in a group. 

2) Select which activities or assessments to edit.

3) Click the pencil icon at the upper right hand side of the screen.

1) Select the checkbox options.

2) Click the  group icon to make bulk-changes.

Click the Update link when finished.

Accessing Intervention and Enrichment Content to Meet Student Needs

To add individualized content, click the ADD ACTIVITY +sign at the bottom of the course or unit folder. Note: The added content will appear at the bottom of the course but can easily be moved anywhere in the course with a click and drag of your mouse.

Click on the Library Link  (Notice the other options that can easily be added to your course such as YouTube Videos, Discussions, Journals, Google Drive Documents, Assessments, File Attachments, and Website Links, etc.)

Choose content from a variety of publishers and grade levels.

Select OPEN to view a Publishers Curriculum.

Select the Subject and click OPEN.

Choose the Unit and click OPEN.

Check the box Add to cart  to select the lesson, video, or other educational content and choose LINK.  Once the activity is added, it can easily be hidden for all students in the course and unhidden for a student or students in a group. In this way, the content change will not affect all the students in the course.

Link versus Copy Note: Linking will keep the activity connected to updates and Copying will disconnect the activity from updates, so if images in the lesson are stored only in the course the activity is copied from the activity and may copy with a broken image link.