
SchoolsPLP and Mathspace Partnership - Video

SchoolsPLP has teamed up with  Mathspace, an adaptive math intervention program for grades 3 - Precalculus. Mathspace will be included in your SchoolsPLP license at no additional cost! 

What is Mathspace? 

Mathspace is the world’s first math program allowing students to show all of their work, for every step of every math question, while writing naturally with their finger or a stylus into a mobile device. By grading work throughout the problem solving process, Mathspace’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) not only determines where students made an incorrect final response, but pinpoints the point of misconception within the reasoning process – giving teachers more data for assessment and remediation. Mathspace also incorporates the world’s smartest adaptive learning engine – driven by more data than any other math program, at every step of every question – to better support student remediation than any other program on the market.

Mathspace demo

Mathspace includes a comprehensive assessment model including diagnostic, formative and summative assessment options.

Mathspace Waypoints offers the opportunity to harness the power of artificial intelligence to provide a multi-functional time-efficient ongoing diagnostic and formative benchmarking assessment which provides teachers and students with a real-time assessment of student growth and achievement without the need for loss of a full period or more of instructional time. Beyond the traditional assessment items developed to replicate short response and multiple- choice standardized test items, Mathspace offers opportunities for authentic assessment of collaborative problem-based assessment tasks with each topic of instruction.

Mathspace Waypoints provides a time saving ongoing assessment solution which incorporates diagnostic and formative benchmarking assessment opportunities in under 10 minutes per check-in along with comprehensive reporting to allow teacher and students to monitor student progress and participation.

The assessments offers opportunity for ongoing spiraled formative assessment and review of content from previous grade levels as well as content presented earlier within the course of instruction.

These screenshots demonstrate how Mathspace’s technology, uniquely among digital math programs, encourages multiple representations of problem solving for all questions, and tailors feedback that is individualized to each student and their chosen problem solving approach.

eTextbook Lesson and Adaptive Tasks - 3rd grade example

eTextbook Creating Adaptive Tasks - Algebra example

Screenshot: Elementary Level – Mathematical Problem Solving

Students solving the same problem using different problem solving strategies receive individualized feedback tailored to their chosen approach, including scaffolded hints:

Screenshot: Middle School Level - Mathematical Problem Solving

Students solving the same problem using different problem solving strategies receive individualized feedback tailored to their chosen approach, including scaffolded hints:

Screenshot: High School Level Example - Mathematical Problem Solving

Students solving the same problem using different problem solving strategies receive individualized feedback tailored to their chosen approach, including scaffolded hints:

The fact that all Mathspace questions are posed with supports such as links to the eBook with videos and interactive widgets along with StepSmart technology helps to provide students with the support that they need in order to look for entry points to begin work on the problem and promotes student ability to make meaning of a problem. Our StepSmart technology also provides immediate feedback to let a student know when a solution pathway they are attempting does not make sense and supplies the necessary hints to support them looking for another pathway.

Video illustrations which are included within each lesson subtopic explain the connections between various solution strategies and representations for the types of problems included in each question set. They demonstrate the metacognitive processes which serve to help students to analyze the givens and constraints contained within problems in each question set as well as the mathematical relationships among the given facts and their goals in solving the problem. Whereas the StepSmart technology offers students the opportunity to make and test conjectures about the form and meaning of a pathway while they receive specific feedback at each step along the way. This type of step-by-step feedback promotes student continuous monitoring of whether each step in the process makes sense. Students are asked to consider analogous problems make connections between multiple representations, identify the correspondence between different approaches, look for trends, and transform algebraic expressions to highlight meaningful mathematics. Upon finding a solution, students are required to look back at the problem to determine whether the solution is reasonable and accurate, often checking answers to problems by using a different method.

Mathspace incorporates StepSmart technology along with links to eBook support resources for each individual question that a student will encounter, along with a bank of over 40,000 algebraically randomizable questions. With an effectively unlimited bank of high variety of scaffolded, interactive questions of various complexities, students are provided the opportunity to practice developing the skills required to persevere in the problem solving process.

The following screenshots represent examples of student work captured in Mathspace that demonstrate student engagement in inductive and deductive reasoning at different grade levels. Examples include:

  •        Students being asked to verify the reasonableness of their work
  •        Students applying inductive reasoning to identify patterns
  •        Students justifying their steps of a geometric proof