How to Set Up Courses and Students

How to Setup Courses and Students

To Setup Courses:

Go to your school’s PLP website and login with your given username and password.

Next, click on Your Schools in the upper left. 

Click on the school in which you would like to add courses. 

Then, click on School setup in the upper right-hand corner. 

Click on the Courses tab or Course Section Box. 

Select Add a New Section button.

Search for the needed course by typing in the search bar and then rename your new section to the chosen title for the course section at your school. Choose the teacher(s) and click Create.

To Setup Students in Courses:

Click on "School setup" in the upper right-hand corner when logged in as a teacher or admin.

Click on the Students tab or Students Section Box.

Click the Add a New Student  button.

Type First Name, Last Name, (Student ID is optional), Logon Name, and the Password as well as Confirm Password. Then click Save .

To enroll a student in one or more courses, click on the student’s name. 

Click the Enroll Student's First Course button.

Check the box next to the course/courses you wish to enroll the student and select Enroll.

Note: It is also possible to select a course section and enroll more than one student in that section.

**Click the link for a step-by-step guide on Enrolling Students in a Course