Virtual Teacher Instructional Services

Virtual Teacher Instructional Services

Please complete this form to request virtual teacher instructional services or ask any questions.

Please email with any questions.

If you want additional teacher support, our team of educators are ready to help.  Should a school lose a teacher or maybe they do not have coverage for a specific subject, our team of knowledgeable experts are here to help. 

Virtual Teacher Instruction Details:

Site Coordinator (Required school personnel)

  • On-site school staff
  • In-person access to students
  • Provides student/parent contact information 

Program Coordinator provided by SchoolsPLP

Monitor (3 P’s)

  • Pace (Monitor current pace of work today)
  • Progress (Are students on track to complete class on-time)
  • Proficiency (Are students passing tests with less than 3 attempts)


  • Be the cheerleader for the student
  • Actively engage in the students’ progress 
  • Pro-actively encourage and ensure contact with TOR and student 


  • Regular phone/message communication 
  • Document student/parent contact
  • Take ownership of the student’s online experience

Highly Qualified/Teacher of Record (TOR) provided by SchoolsPLP

  • Office hours available 
  • Grading submitted assignments
  • Provides feedback and additional instruction via messaging, SMS, email, or phone
  • Responsible for issuing the students’ final grades

For students with 504’s, we can make the following accommodations:

  • We can add time for lessons
  • We can add time for tests.
  • We can individualize the order of assignments.

For students with an IEP, we can make the following accommodations based on recommendations from your site SPED staff:

  • We can add time for lessons
  • We can add time for tests.
  • We can individualize the order of assignments.
  • We can provide accommodations and modifications of content.

SchoolsPLP Virtual Teacher Instruction Refund Policy 

  • If a student stops working on their course within 3 days from the date it was assigned, we will refund 100% of the TOR fee.  
  • After the 3rd day from the date the course was assigned, no refund available. 

SchoolsPLP Virtual Instruction Extension Policy

  • There is a one-time 2-week extension at the end of each course for additional completion time upon request. If further extension of the course is requested at the end of the 2-week extension, an additional semester of instruction will be billed.
Category Service Type Price Per Semester Course Per Student

Grade Level 






Teaching + Accommodations  

Teaching + Accommodations + Modifications





This pricing is Per Student, Per Semester Course.  For example, a virtual student takes 6 courses in the fall and 6 in the spring.  The Teacher Instruction cost = $2,700 (12 courses * $225/course).