Comprehensive Teacher Guide

Comprehensive Teacher’s Guide

Accessing SchoolsPLP go to your school’s URL, for example then enter your username and password. * Please reach out to your school admin for this information.

Once logged in you will see the Progress Tracking tab as the default “home page” where all your assigned courses are listed. The disengaged columns are intervention tools which provide notification when there is at least 3 days (not including weekends) of inactivity in 1 or more course. 

Notice each column heading:

Click on the current activity tab to see course progress, information on students’ current activities and switch from This Week to Today. Notice Latest Activity for real-time data on all your students. Click on a blue class name to access course info.

Select a course to see additional information such the student roster and activity. The notifications in the TO DO column are reminders of items that the Teacher needs to grade.

Sending a course wide message or individual message is done by clicking the Send Message link

Clicking the drop-down arrow lets you specify who you want to send a message to. Teachers can send a message to all students enrolled in their classes, to students only in a specific class, or to an individual student.

*Please email if you need to delete a message*

Each student in the current course is listed with their hours worked and last login.

When you click on the Progress Tracking Tab notice each student’s average grade of the lessons worked as well as progress bars.

When reading progress bars, the light grey bar equals 100% of the time allotted, the dark grey bar represents where the student should currently be, and the green, orange, or red bars represent the student being on track, or falling behind.

Click on the Gradebook tab to access the gradebook for the course. Click on scores to access more information. The scores with a red background indicate an assignment was turned in after the due date.

Student View: Students login at the same URL then click Work on this course to launch their coursework. Students also see their latest activity and can click any blue link to be taken right to that activity. Click on the title of the course and students can see the assignment details page of completed work and what is next. Students click on their name to go back to the overview page.

How to Grade Student Assignments 

Depending the type of content your district/school choose, most assignments are graded by the system, however typed work, or submitted documents will need to be scored by a teacher or grader. Click on a course name and select the gradebook tab. If an assignment needs to be graded, you will see a paper icon in the gradebook. Click on the icon to open the Score editor window.

After viewing the work to the left inside the pop-up window, type a score into the score editor field or choose Full Credit or No Credit. Once you have given the student a score, click Submit Score to record the score in the gradebook.

How to Reassign Lessons/Quizzes 

Teachers can reassign quizzes in the same way. Once the score editor box pops up, click Allow Retry. A circular arrow icon will appear in the grade book to indicate that the student’s test/activity was reassigned.

How to skip specific assignments 

In the gradebook, teachers can excuse students from an assignment (see score editor box pic above) An X will appear in the gradebook if a student has been excused.

Hiding Assignments in the Course Editor 

Teachers can hide assignments from all students in a course by changing the visibility. Teachers can also delete a lesson or activity if they prefer to teach that skill through direct instruction/blended learning. Teachers can hide lessons for specific students if they first create a group, assign a student to the group, and edit group settings. (See group handout). To access the Course Editor, click the Course Setup link at the right top. 

Next, click the Open the course… link at the top to edit the course in a new tab.

The icons on the right side:

Click the eyeball icon to hide assignments from students. 

Click the pencil icon to edit. 

Click the three-dot icon to access Preview or Delete.

Changing Exam Passwords

Click the pencil icon to edit a quiz and you can access the password settings.

You may see an encrypted password, which is not the actual password. You can type over it and save or delete it and save it blank.

You can also bulk edit passwords in the Activity List for the course by choosing the assessments you want to password protect and clicking the pencil icon.