Acceptable Spreadsheet Upload Terms (Admins)

Assignment Settings Spreadsheet

Columns A-U - District, School, or Catalog; CourseID; Course Title; ItemID; Type; ItemTitle; Gradable; VisibleTo; VisibilityPassword; Gate; Flags; CompletionTrigger; AttemptLimit; MasteryThreshold; ScoredAttempt; Weighting; Weight Within Category; Excluded from Final Grade; GradeFlags; Submission Type; Notes

Columns A-F 

Must remain static, no value changes

Column G - Gradable

Acceptable values: TRUE, FALSE

Column H - VisibleTo

Acceptable values: Teachers, All,Teachers and Observers

Column I - VisibilityPassword (Student must enter password before opening the activity)

Any acceptable password

Column J - Gate

Acceptable values: TRUE, FALSE

Column K - Flags

Advanced topic; reach out to support before changing

Column L - CompletionTrigger

Acceptable values: (Varies depending on gradable state) Submission, Passing Score, Any Score, Time (1 minute, 0 minute, 2 minutes, etc.)

Column M - Attempt limit

Acceptable values: 0, -1 (both equal “unlimited”), any positive integer (1, 2, 5, 300, etc.)

Column N - MasteryThreshold

Acceptable values: 0 through 100

Column O - ScoredAttempt

Acceptable values: HIGHEST, LAST, AVERAGE

Column P - Weight

Acceptable values: must match the defined weight categories for the course

Column Q - Weight Within Category

Acceptable values: 0 through 100 (100 is default; 0 may result in gradebook display errors)

Column R - Exclude from Grade

Acceptable values: TRUE, FALSE (FALSE is the default value)

Column S - Grade Flags

Advanced topic; reach out to support before changing

Column T - Submission Type

Acceptable values: None (for non-gradable or AG lessons), Single document, Multiple document, Notes only, Website address or URL

Column U - Notes

Not uploaded, for local use only

Exam Settings Spreadsheet

Columns A-S - District, School, or Catalog; CourseID; CourseTitle; ItemID; ExamFlags; Review; ShuffleQuestions; ShuffleAnswers; RequireAnswers; AllowSaveAndContinue; AllowPrinting; Password; BookmarkQuestions; ShowHighlighter; ShowAnswerEliminator; AllowStudentNotes; DefaultQuestionScore; Notes

Columns A-E 

Must remain static, no value changes

Column F - ExamFlag

Advanced topic; reach out to support before changing

Column G - Review (see: Bulk Editing Assessment Review Settings with the Exam Settings Spreadsheet)

Acceptable values: 

Review nothing

Review own answers

Review scores

Review scores, own answers

Review scores, own answers, feedback

Review scores, own answers, answer key, feedback

Review questions

Review answer key

Review own answers, answer key

Review scores, answer key

Review scores, own answers, answer key

Review feedback

Review own answers, feedback

Review scores, feedback

Review answer key, feedback

Review own answers, answer key, feedback

Review scores, answer key, feedback

Column H-L - ShuffleQuestions; ShuffleAnswers; RequireAnswers; AllowSaveAndContinue; AllowPrinting

Acceptable values: TRUE, FALSE

Column M - Password (Student must enter password before beginning the assessment)

Any acceptable password

Column N-Q - BookmarkQuestions; ShowHighlighter; ShowAnswerEliminator; AllowStudentNotes

Acceptable values: TRUE, FALSE

Column R - Default question value

Acceptable values: any positive integer (generally, either 1 or 100, but other values are possible)

Column S - Notes

Not uploaded, for local use only

Course Settings Spreadsheet

Columns A-M - District, School, or Catalog; Title; SIS ID; Typel; Term; Range Start Date; Range End Date; Continuous Enrollment Days; Flags; ForceSequential; Zero-Grade Late Items; Zero-Grade Late Items Marked Complete

Columns A-B 

Must remain static, no value changes

Column C - Title 

Acceptable values: any value (must be unique per school)

Column D - SIS ID 

Acceptable values: any value (should match your SIS data)

Column E - Type

Acceptable values: Range, Continuous

Column F - Term

Acceptable values: any value (usually “Year” or “Semester”)

*Column G - Range Start Date

Acceptable values: any date (formatted YYYY-MM-DD)

*Column H - Range End Date

Acceptable values: any date (formatted YYYY-MM-DD)

**Column I - Continuous Enrollment Days

Acceptable values: any positive integer (usually 90, 180, or 365)

Column J - Flags

Advanced topic; reach out to support before changing

Column K - Force Sequential

Acceptable values: TRUE, FALSE

Column L - Zero Grade Late Items

Acceptable values: TRUE, FALSE

Column M - Zero Grade Late Items Marked Complete

Acceptable values: TRUE, FALSE

*Columns G and H apply to “Range” courses only (see Column E)

**Column I applies to “Continuous” courses only (see Column E)